
  • Can I Participate?

    You are eligible to participate if you played tackle football at the University of Notre Dame and are currently age 40 and over.

  • Compensation

    Upon completion of both Part 1 & Part 2 of the assessment, participants will be entered into a drawing for a $500 gift card.

  • What does HITSS-ND Entail?

    HITSS-ND is a fully online annual assessment, including: questions about sports participation, repetitive head impact exposure and concussion history, and medical history; computerized memory and cognitive tests; and behavior and mood questionnaires. As a participant, the entire HITSS-ND assessment takes approximately 2 hours, in the comfort and privacy of the participant’s home, and can be completed at any time and over several days if desired.

    Please Note: Although most questionnaires can be completed on a mobile device, the computerized memory and cognitive tests can only be completed on a laptop or desktop computer.

    If you are requested to be a study partner, your participation is not required but is greatly appreciated. The Study Partner experience asks questions pertaining to the participant’s functioning and takes 30 minutes on average.

  • How can I spread the word?

    1. Use the buttons on the screen- if using mobile device, buttons are located at the bottom of the page) to share information about HITSS-ND to your former teammates.

    2. If you have friends and family that did not play football at Notre Dame but are at least 40 and played soccer or football at any level please send them to