Our Questions

The goal of HITSS is to answer questions about risk for later life cognitive and behavioral decline. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • If someone never had a concussion while playing soccer or tackle football are they still at risk?

  • Do people who only played at the youth level have similar risk compared to people who never played these sports at all?

  • Are there differences in risk between women’s and men’s soccer?

  • Do former soccer players who headed the ball frequently have a greater risk than those who did not head the ball much?

  • Are former professional football players at greater risk than former college or high school players?

  • Does the age of first starting to play tackle football or soccer make a difference in risk?

  • How many head impacts are too many?

  • Do other health and lifestyle factors play a role in increasing or decreasing these risks?

  • Do certain positions within these sports have elevated risks?